Thursday, August 22, 2024

Strategies to success in life

Here I have shared with you 10 rules that if you live by following them you will be successful so that you can live by them and benefit from them. Welcome to learn.

 1. Do not be jealous; when you meet those who have taken a step ahead of you, enjoy them and learn from them so that you too can take steps like them.

 2do not hold grudges; hating someone is like drinking poison to harm him, you end up harming yourself. 3. Don't spend more than your income; increase your income, reduce spending, save and invest. passionate regardless of what is going on in your life; even if you are going through difficulties, keep being enthusiastic because it has the power to give you good results that will take you wherever you may be stuck. 

 5associate with trusted people; people who deliver what they promise and always do the right thing. 

 6. Do what you have to do to be someone you can trust with others; keep what you promise and always do the right thing.

 7. End each day better than you started; every day learn something new, your two days should not be the same. 

 8.know where if you go you will die and don't go there; avoid mistakes that will take you away from the journey you are on so that you stay on the journey for a longer time, because victory is staying on the journey for a longer time.

 9.instead of struggling to use the mind too much, avoid being a fool; You don't need a lot of intelligence to succeed in life, you just need to not be a fool by repeating your own mistakes or those of others. 

 10.know your area of expertise/weakness and don't make decisions outside of that area; don't pretend to be a know-it-all, choose an area you specialize in and focus on that, leave the rest alone.

 Those are the 10 rules that if we follow them we can have a long and successful life. as is our principle, KNOWLEDGE + ACTIONS = SUCCESS, here you have gained KNOWLEDGE, your responsibility is to put it into ACTIONS and get good results.