Sunday, August 11, 2024

Make money using relationships

By nature, we humans are creatures of relationships according to genetics, that is, DNA. We relate to our close people,people, such as parents, partners, friends, relatives, siblings,siblings, and so on. and our nature as humans is to like to feel good when we are in a group or relationships.

 And even when we need something, we always start asking our people closely first. We tend to trust our close people, those with whom we are related. When our close people suggest something to us, we always get rid of our fear and take action immediately without hesitation. I'm not sure if it will work for you,you, but most of the things you've bought, you've bought from people you know or those you're related to in one way or another.

 There is a tremendous power of relationships throughout the sales process. 

 There is a certain feeling of fear in us when we buy something from someone we don't know. Here we get a picture that people buy from people they know;; it doesn't matter what you know in your life but who you know. the people you have built a network with, those you know or know you will be the first in the sales process. Get a picture in a romantic relationship, whether you are married or not.not. YouYou did not enter into that relationship in one day, but there was a long process until you entered into married life. Even in the sales process, we cannot sell to someone if we have not built a relationship with them.

 People don't like to buy from strangers, but also people can't buy from someone they've only met once on the first day. For example, if a woman meets a man and the man seduces her to be in a relationship with him, in normal circumstances the woman cannot accept it right then and there. 

And even if a woman accepts it right then and there, the man will be shocked and wonder why so many;; how come this woman has accepted me so easily? What did he have that led him to accept me easily? Before selling to a customer, make sure you first build a relationship with him. 

Once you have a good relationship with the customer, it is easy for the customer to buy from you. All things being equal, people tend to buy from people they know. Who do you know? People buy from people they know and have relationships with. Once you have any kind of relationship with someone, it is easy for someone to buy from you. Many sellers have had a tendency to rape.

 That is, they are forced to make sales to someone with whom they have not yet built a good relationship that will convince the customer to buy something from them easily. BeforeBefore you rush to sell to your customers, first build a relationship with them,them, and they will be ready to buy from you when they have a need. 

 In every relationship you are in, make sure people know what you are doing. so that people can easily agree with you on any matter that they have first in relationships. When you have a relationship with a customer, the customer sees you as his friend and a close person and will feel comfortable buying from you because you all know each other without a doubt. People with their things tend to go to people they know. Even when we ourselves want to do something, we go to people we know. 

For example, we can't go to a barber we don't know, we can't go to a hairdresser we don't know, and when we want some service, we are ready to even travel and pay the cost to get service for those people we love and care about. Most people buy from people they like. A person is willing to pay the cost of going to look for a service far away, even if the same service is available near him. 

What do you think drives that person to look for services far away when there is one nearby? For example, your children are studying at a school that you have liked and sent them there. And it is not that there is no school where you live; the environment where you live has many schools, but why have you left there and sent him to a distant school? Sales are relationships. 

 Because people buy from people they like. If people don't like you, they don't have a relationship with you, and they won't even bother to buy from you. Before you think about sales, you have not thought about selling what you want to sell; think first about building relationships with those to whom you will sell what you sell or produce.

 in relationships is the place where you create your true fans who, when they are in need, only come to you and do not think of anyone else but you. and those with whom he is related, those who are their close people, when they are in need of what you sell, they will tell their close people, and they will come to buy from you.

 Once the customer has a good relationship with you, he will say good things about you to other people. and when the customer has a bad relationship with you, he will say bad things about you. 

According to Joe Girard's rule of 250, it says that everyone has 250 people they know directly. So, what you do for one person, be it good or bad, will reach at least 250 people. And if you do something good for your client, the sun has the power to spread it to at least 250 other people. And if you do something bad to your customer, the sun will say bad things about you to 250 other people.

 To anyone you are related to or to any client you are with, don't look at him as one person; see that there are more than 250 people behind him. Therefore, sales are relationships; make sure you protect your relationships with clients so that you can continue to benefit from your client. One more thing: treat your client relationships like a pension fund. The relationship you have with the customer is what convinces people to come and buy from you.

 Before you continue with other lessons on this matter of SALES IS RELATIONSHIPS, leave these things in this introduction. one; friends buy from their friends. 

 Two: people buy from people they like. Third, the truth is, people don't buy from people they don't like. Four: people start buying you first and not what you sell. Finally, sales are relationships. 

It doesn't matter what you know but who you know. If you have a sales challenge, the first thing to ask yourself is, Who are you related to? Do you have good relationships with your customers? The Swahili say, Talk to people and wear shoes; this means having good relations with people, and they will be ready to give you a good deal.