Friday, August 23, 2024

habits that will bring success quickly

Finding the right people to collaborate with has become a very big challenge in the era we live in now. 

 That is because many people in this era are quick to speak and promise, but the implementation is completely different. If you give people a chance to express themselves, they will express themselves very well until you are convinced. But when it comes to doing, most are zero. 

 This situation has been causing many to despair and see that good people are no longer available. But that is not correct; good people still exist; it's just that you don't know the best ways to find them. Here you are going to learn three characteristics to look for in people you want to collaborate with. 

If someone lacks those three qualities, don't try to associate with him, because he will only bring you down. The first attribute is ARI. aRI is the inner drive of a person to do something without waiting to be told or pushed to do it. A motivated person does what is right before even being told.

 And when he is told, he does it immediately without waiting to be reminded or pushed. Look at people who already have passion in them through what they are already doing. Those people are the ones you can rely on for various things because they will do it.

 The second attribute is discipline. Discipline is a person doing what he has to do, whether he feels like doing it or not. 

Everyone can do something, but most do it when they feel like it. Rarely do people feel like doing things that are difficult. So difficult things are never done because people lack discipline. Choose people who are already disciplined so that you can be sure of them at all times. Undisciplined people tend to let you down when you depend on them the most. 

 The third characteristic is courage. Courage is a person's willingness to do something despite being afraid to do it. Every human being has fear; what distinguishes those who succeed and those who fail is courage.

 Courage gives a person the motivation to do what he fears and thus makes him able to do what others cannot do. Choose to associate with courageous people because they will give you the courage to fight for what you want to achieve. 

If you are surrounded by those who do not have courage, you will find yourself lacking courage. Since you want other people to have those three qualities to work with, make sure you yourself have those qualities. Because if you want others to have qualities that you don't have, it won't be possible. 

You end up attracting the people you go with. Start by having SPIRIT, DISCIPLINE, and courage, and you will start attracting people with similar qualities to partner with you.