Wednesday, August 7, 2024

List of sales techniques and strategies

Get a picture of your favourite football team entering the field to play with another team. 

It is the final game where the winner walks away with a huge prize. You really want your team to win the game. You set aside time and go to the field to watch the game.

 You are really prepared to cheer for your team's victory. But when you enter the stadium, you are stunned because the stadium has no goals. Yes, the playing field is there, but the goals are not. If such a situation occurs, you will be very worried, because you will be wondering how victory will be measured if there are no goals. 

The great enthusiasm of celebrating victory ends because there is no way to measure victory. Those teams can go on the court and dribble a lot, but when it comes to measuring victory, there is no proper way to do it.

 That's what many salespeople do in their main sales job, and that's why they haven't been getting the big wins they hoped for. Many people go into business or sales because they want to make a good income. But when they do, they find themselves in a difficult situation because their expectations are not met. 

 Failure in business and sales starts at the same place: the lack of a way to measure whether or not victory is achieved. 

And measure not only on the final result but on every step that contributes to that final result. Most people in business and sales measure sales, which is the last number. When that number is not good, they feel bad, and when it is good, they are happy. They don't have other numbers that they measure and track on the way to that final number. 

and that is the obstacle for them to make big sales. It is not a game of chance. Not having numbers to measure towards the number of sales has made many conduct business and sales as gambling. 

All they do is hope that sales will go well. What do they do to ensure that sales are going well? They don't have that kind of strategy. Sales is not a game of chance; sales is something that can be planned and monitored carefully, and certain results can be obtained. That means that in sales you can decide how much you want to sell, then plan how to achieve that amount of sales you planned. All you need to do is know the right numbers to measure and monitor in sales to reach the goal you set for yourself.

 Sales is a sure game like other games in life because you have sure numbers to measure. When sales are low, you remain hopeful; instead, you look at your numbers to find out which area is not working well. Because sales is the last number, there are other numbers that are causing it. By knowing those numbers and working on them, you will be able to improve that final number. What is not measured is not measured. In every area of life, anything that cannot be measured cannot grow. 

You can look at the example of small children who are born; every month they are taken to the clinic for their development to be tested. In the clinic, they are measured weight and height numbers that are placed on their special form that shows their progress. 

The child's clinical form has numbers that indicate the child's progress. Red numbers are bad progress, grey is moderate progress, and green is good progress. By looking at the numbers and where they fall on the form, one can see the child's progress. This is also how business and sales should be measured. 

There should be numbers that are constantly tracked and a chart to fill in those numbers so that when someone looks at them, they can quickly see the progress. If there is any problem in business or sales, it will be seen quickly by looking at the numbers that are measured. 

 If there are no measurable numbers in sales, they cannot be promoted. Because it remains a matter of hope and there are no certain things to work on. 

If we return to the example of children and the clinic above, if the child is measured and it appears that his weight is less than it should be, the parent is advised on the best way to feed the child so that he can have a healthy weight. When that advice is acted upon, the weight increases for sure. The same can be the case in sales; when sales are not good, if the numbers are measured, it will be obvious which numbers are not working well. When those numbers are worked well, sales increase for sure.

 It is very important to measure sales by numbers in order to be able to take the right steps to enable sales to grow. 

 10 WAYS TO PROMOTE SALES There are many numbers that can be measured in sales in order to increase them further. But in our Sales College program, there are 10 numbers that are tracked for sure.

 Get a picture of your favourite football team entering the field to play with another team. It is the final game where the winner walks away with a huge prize. You really want your team to win the game. 

 You set aside time and go to the field to watch the game. You are really prepared to cheer for your team's victory. 

But when you enter the stadium, you are stunned because the stadium has no goals. Yes, the playing field is there, but the goals are not. If such a situation occurs, you will be very worried, because you will be wondering how victory will be measured if there are no goals. The great enthusiasm of celebrating victory ends because there is no way to measure victory. Those teams can go on the court and dribble a lot, but when it comes to measuring victory, there is no proper way to do it. That's what many salespeople do in their main sales job, and that's why they haven't been getting the big wins they hoped for. 

Many people go into business or sales because they want to make a good income. But when they do, they find themselves in a difficult situation because their expectations are not met. 

 Failure in business and sales starts at the same place: the lack of a way to measure whether or not victory is achieved. And measure not only on the final result but on every step that contributes to that final result. Most people in business and sales measure sales, which is the last number. When that number is not good, they feel bad, and when it is good, they are happy. They don't have other numbers that they measure and track on the way to that final number. 

and that is the obstacle for them to make big sales. It is not a game of chance. Not having numbers to measure towards the number of sales has made many conduct business and sales as gambling. 

All they do is hope that sales will go well. What do they do to ensure that sales are going well? They don't have that kind of strategy. Sales is not a game of chance; sales is something that can be planned and monitored carefully, and certain results can be obtained. That means that in sales you can decide how much you want to sell, then plan how to achieve that amount of sales you planned. 

All you need to do is know the right numbers to measure and monitor in sales to reach the goal you set for yourself. Sales is a sure game like other games in life because you have sure numbers to measure.

 When sales are low, you remain hopeful; instead, you look at your numbers to find out which area is not working well. Because sales is the last number, there are other numbers that are causing it. 

By knowing those numbers and working on them, you will be able to improve that final number. What is not measured is not measured. In every area of life, anything that cannot be measured cannot grow. You can look at the example of small children who are born; every month they are taken to the clinic for their development to be tested. 

In the clinic, they are measured weight and height numbers that are placed on their special form that shows their progress. The child's clinical form has numbers that indicate the child's progress. 

Red numbers are bad progress, grey is moderate progress, and green is good progress. By looking at the numbers and where they fall on the form, one can see the child's progress. This is also how business and sales should be measured.

 There should be numbers that are constantly tracked and a chart to fill in those numbers so that when someone looks at them, they can quickly see the progress. If there is any problem in business or sales, it will be seen quickly by looking at the numbers that are measured. If there are no measurable numbers in sales, they cannot be promoted. Because it remains a matter of hope and there are no certain things to work on.

 If we return to the example of children and the clinic above, if the child is measured and it appears that his weight is less than it should be, the parent is advised on the best way to feed the child so that he can have a healthy weight. When that advice is acted upon, the weight increases for sure. The same can be the case in sales; when sales are not good, if the numbers are measured, it will be obvious which numbers are not working well.

 When those numbers are worked well, sales increase for sure. It is very important to measure sales by numbers in order to be able to take the right steps to enable sales to grow. 

 10 WAYS TO PROMOTE SALES There are many numbers that can be measured in sales in order to increase them further. But in our Sales College program, there are 10 numbers that are tracked for sure.

 Those 10 numbers have great power to promote sales when they are worked on reliably. 10 numbers to track and measure on sales to increase them are as follows: 

 1. CALL MADE. Telephone is the main way to communicate with customers. Calling customers is an important way to make more sales. 

 2. CUSTOMERS VISIT. Meeting customers face-to-face has more persuasive power than just communicating with them. Visiting and meeting customers is an important number measured in sales. 

 3. NEW PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS CREATED. Generating new customers is always an important requirement in growing sales. Every salesperson should be generating new potential customers, so that number is important to measure.

 4. PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS CONVERTED INTO COMPLETE CUSTOMERS. Customers are complete when they agree to buy. So the biggest job of a salesperson is to convert customers from prospective to complete. Converted customers are an important number to track in promoting sales. 

 5. NUMBER OF PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS MONITORED. Not all potential customers will be immediately converted to perfect; some will take time to be followed up. So the salesperson should have continuous monitoring of all the potential customers he has. This is an important number to track in order to convert more potential customers.

 6.NUMBER OF COMPLETE CUSTOMERS FOLLOWED. Since customers have already bought, it does not mean that they will continue to buy because they are being hunted by other sellers, so it is easy to get lost. To prevent that, continuous monitoring should be done for all complete customers. This is an important number to track in order to keep customers in business for a long time.

 7. NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS WHO PURCHASED IT. This is the number of customers who have made purchases. It is an important number to measure to see if customers are increasing or decreasing. It will also give you the average purchases per customer, something that is important to know. 

 8. COMPLETE SALES MADE. This is the amount of sales for money that have taken place. This is the main number in sales, which many tend to look at. This number becomes good when other numbers are worked well.

 9. ADDITIONAL SALES MADE. When customers make purchases, they tend to have their own plan for the purchases they make. Through these purchases, there is always an opportunity to sell them additional items. 

This number measures the seller's ability to persuade customers to make additional purchases, something that further increases sales. 

 10. REFERRAL CUSTOMERS AVAILABLE. Referral customers are customers that are acquired through complete existing customers of the business. Those are easy customers to convert because they have already been told by their close people. It is an important number to measure in order to get many referral customers who will be easily converted into full customers.

 In the 10 chapters of this book, you are going to learn the 10 numbers in detail and know the importance of the respective numbers, how to measure the number, and how to make the number bigger in order to increase sales. Learn in detail those 10 numbers and work on them so that you can become a better seller and make more sales.