Sunday, August 25, 2024

Steps to be a rich in life for beginner

 My dear friend,

Many people want to get rich in their lives. But those who get wealth in particular have been very few.

Those who want wealth but lack it, it's not that they don't know how to get it. Most people know exactly what they have to do to get rich. but when it comes time to do what they should do, they don't.

Author Ramit Seth, in his book called I WILL TEACH YOU TO BE RICH, has shown why many people do not get rich despite wanting it so much.

Through that book, Ramit shows us how, when it comes to money, the problem is not money, but the people themselves. Our financial situation has been greatly influenced by the psychology, emotions and habits that we have.

So if we want to build wealth for sure, our first task is to build the right psychology, feelings, and behaviour about money.

In this lesson and a series of other lessons available HERE, we are going to learn how to build wealth with six absolutely sure steps.


Money and health are things that affect all people equally. But they are also very similar things because everyone has their own opinion of what is right and what is wrong.

but also to get good results in money and health, there are known basics, but surprisingly many have been ignoring it.

In terms of health, in order to lose weight, one must eat correctly and exercise. Anyone doing those two with high discipline will get good results. But now, come to reality and see what things people struggle with to lose weight. There are those who struggle with taking weight loss drugs; there are those who do surgery; and many others.

Likewise, when it comes to money, in order to build wealth, a person should have a consumption that is below his income, save, and invest in every income he earns. But now, come to reality and see what people are struggling with about building wealth, shortcuts, trading the stock market, digital currencies, and many more.

When it comes to money, people are very knowledgeable; they struggle with many things, but they don't get good results. That's because they ignore the important basics of building wealth.

Main message of the book: I WILL TEACH YOU TO BE RICH.

Author Ramit Seth tells us the main message of his book is as follows:

1. 85 percent solution: It's better to start than to master; start even if you don't have 100 percent information.

2. It's okay to make mistakes, especially when you're starting out.

3. Spend more on things you like and spend less on things you don't like.

Investment is not a show, but an investment.

5. Don't live on a calculator; choose the best system for you and then move on with your life.

6. Play the game of wealth to attack (take action) and not to defend (fear).

7. You use money to create a rich life.

The goal of building wealth is to live a life that one enjoys. And the rich life has the following rules:

1. Spend on things you like; skimp on things you don't like.

2. Focus on a few big and important things; let go of many useless things.

3. Make a long-term and profitable investment.

4. There is a limit to reducing spending, but there is no limit to increasing income.

5. Relatives, relatives, and friends will advise you a lot on finances, but you go with your plan.

6. Choose spending that you will do without thinking.

He struggles with the basics first; that's what builds everything.

8. You are responsible for your life; there is no one to save you.

9. Be willing to be different from others.

10. Live life outside the calculator; build and improve the relationships that are important to you.

Six Steps to Build Wealth.

In the book I WILL TEACH YOU TO BE RICH, the author teaches us six steps to follow to build wealth for sure in our lives. The steps are as follows:

The first step is getting out of debt and credit management.

The second step is to have proper bank accounts.

Step three: opening investment accounts.

Step four: Control usage.

Step five: simplifying the circulation of money.

The sixth step is to learn the right investment.

If those six steps are worked reliably, a person can build great wealth in his life.

People have been obsessed with the secrets of wealth, but the truth is that there are no secrets. The correct principle is known: Take small steps, be disciplined, and be patient. If you can do that, you have mastered wealth.