Friday, August 2, 2024

how to improve customer satisfaction essay

Service is an activity performed for the benefit of another person or persons. 

For example, in a hospital, there is the first care given to a patient after being injured. The school has a training service for students, so that they can gain more understanding. 

On transport, such as aeroplanes, there is a service of drinks and instructions before, during, and after the journey. On mobile networks, there is a service to solve communication challenges and others.

 At the bank there is a financial advice service and instructions on how to open an account. An attendant is an employee who provides service to a customer. It can be a direct service to show him or through a telephone conversation.

 Where they provide clarification about something that is bothering the customer. When the customer meets the attendant, he is free to speak and ask anything while he is given the right answers to what he asks. In sales, the main task of the salesperson is to retain customers, make additional sales, and get referral customers. 

Because through customer service, the challenges they have are solved. Attendants are the ones who make customers enjoy the service provided by the company, institution, or office concerned. 

 The main feature of the service provider must be that he has experience with or knows the business or services in detail provided by the relevant office, company, or institution.

 It's a strange thing when the customer asks for something, the attendant starts to be confused, not knowing what to do. 

Other characteristics include knowing his colleagues and their responsibilities. This makes his job easier, when something happens, he can easily direct the customer and finally get a solution. When we say customer service, we mean you who serve customers, your uniqueness is in the word SERVICE. All people can find customers and serve them. 

But what makes customers come to you is the uniqueness of the service you provide. Starting from receiving the customer, talking to him, answering him, providing him with the product, monitoring him, or knowing his status. If the service exceeds his expectations, the customer must be happy. Many people have been thinking that customer service is something provided by institutions, companies, offices, or special people. This is not true. Each one provides customer service based on what they do.

 If you are a teacher, know that you provide services to students. Students are your customers. Without them, your work cannot be effective. It is through the students that you get your payment. 

 A human doctor attends to patients. Patients are your customers. Without them coming to your place to get medical care, your work would not be effective at all. meaning, you cannot go to treat cars or trees. 

Your expertise lies in treating people. It is through the patients that you get your pay. Driver, don't say I can't provide customer service. 

 You would be wrong. Passengers are your customers. If you respect them, listen to them, and help them, your work will be very effective. People love to tell others how you made them feel. 

It is through their fares that your payment is available. Mama Ntilie, who sells food, don't say I am not on the service side. Your selling of food is already enough service. 

You help hungry people get food. Through their payment, you earn money. That money helps you grow your capital. Tomorrow you expand your booth and hire more attendants.

 So, you are part of the service providers for customers. My dear brother, customer service is offered in every area of your life. Do not limit yourself to one area, that the service is provided to people with businesses, financial institutions, or just telephones. 

 Every area of your life should provide service. Because you are surrounded by people. Through the same people, you get money and various opportunities to do other things. The business side is where customer service works the most. Because that's where the biggest crowd is. And most of us were trained that, customer service only exists in business.

 The beauty is that everyone is a seller. As I said before, if you are human resources, you are selling your time and skills to the company. 

You have a gang or a shop selling products to customers. If you understand this concept, it will help you to go along with everyone you meet, to connect you with more people.

 When we talk about customer service, we touch on an important area in serving customers. Currently, almost all large institutions offer customer service. Often it is through the customer service department (customer service center). 

This unit is responsible for listening to customers and their challenges. These services are provided according to the size of the institution. Some give twenty-four hours, and some give twelve hours. Customer service is an important part of providing value to the customer in your business. What you should know is that; "customers have memories.

 They will remember you, whether you remember them or not." Moreover, the customer's trust can be destroyed immediately by a serious service problem, or it can be undermined day by day, by small mistakes that often appear in the service. Any business needs people who are committed to providing good customer service. This is due to the fact that customers are the main pillar of businesses that a person does. That is why we have a famous Kiswahili saying, 

"The customer is king." This is not a comforting phrase, no. There is a great meaning in it. Because it is through the customer that the business gets money to run itself. It is due to this principle that the customer is king, which led to large companies having a customer service department. Often the customer service department has people who have studied or have experience in how to serve customers well. Whatever you do, there is a way you touch other people. 

In order for you to have a positive influence on those you touch in what you do, you must provide them with excellent service. It is when you give people a service that they cannot find elsewhere that they are willing to come back to you again and again. And then you have captured those people forever.