Tuesday, August 20, 2024

2024 Ways to improve profitability

In sales and life in general, the size of your success depends largely on the size of your network. It doesn't matter so much what you know or what you have, but who you know and who knows you. 

 Having a large network of people you know and who know you is an important requirement for every salesperson. 

ThatThat's because when things are right, people tend to buy from people they know. And even when things aren't right, people still buy from people they know. Networking events are one of the ways that marketers can use to reach more customers in a shorter period of time. 

So every marketer should participate in networking events with the right strategy to be able to reach more customers and generate potential customers for his business. In this lesson,lesson, we are going to learn how to implement it with great success. 

Welcome to learn. Types of networking Networking events are those that bring together people with certain characteristics. When the people who participate in those events have the qualities of being customers of a particular business, it becomes a good part of the marketer to reach more customers faster and more easily. 

 Some of the networking events that marketers can participate in are as follows

 1. Meetings and conferences. These are events that bring many people together for information or training of some kind. EventsEvents of this type tend to bring together people who have similar characteristics, depending on the type of meeting or conference. 

When the people present at the meeting or conference have the qualifications to be your customers, it is an important event for you to be present. 

 2. Special training. These are trainings that take place over a period of time and that have fewer participants than meetings and conferences. In this training, the participants have closer cooperation, something that leads them to know each other and build close relationships. 

The marketer can share such training with his target customers. 

 3. Games. Different sports always bring together people who are fans of those sports. These people have compatible characteristics that also make them target customers for certain types of businesses. marketer can share sports events with target customers. 

 4. Inaugural events. These are events for the launch of various things;; it can be a business to launch a product, service,service, or a new branch. It can also be different campaigns that are being run by different institutions. TheThe marketer can share the launch events that happen with the target customers. 

 5. Membership. Being a member of associations, institutions,institutions, or groups of some kind gives a person the opportunity to get to know other members. 

The seller can be a member of the groups that have the customers he is targeting and use that opportunity to reach many and make potential customers. As a seller, look at the various events that bring your target customers together and be part of those events to reach more customers and generate more potential customers.

 Things to do at Networking Events. In order to reach more customers and generate potential customers who will be followed up and convinced to become full customers, every salesperson participating in networking events should consider the following points: 

 1. Wearing clothing with the logo and name of the business. There is a saying that the first impression is what lasts in people's memories. So when you share networking events, make sure the way people see you for the first time remains in their memories. To achieve that, make sure you wear smart clothes with the logo and name of your business. It is easy for people to know and remember you through the clothes you are wearing. 

 2. Have business cards and flyers. When you participate in networking events, you should have things you can give to the people you meet so that they will remember you even after the events and find your contact easily. Having business cards along with flyers is an easy way to do that. Go to networking events with enough business cards and flyers to hand out to those you meet. 

 3. Have a short and compelling presentation. Prepare a short presentation, no longer than 30 seconds, that is about you, what you do, and the benefits people get from you. 30 seconds is the maximum amount of time you can get with someone at a mass networking event.

 Your short submission can be for this system; I am.... (your name) from.... (business name), and we help people with.... (characteristics of your target customers) to be able to.... (benefits that customers get from you and cannot get elsewhere). The presentation should be delivered with great enthusiasm to impress and persuade the recipient. 

 4. Talking to more people. Networking events should be used to reach more people in less time. When you share those events, make sure you talk to as many people as possible.

 That's why you need a short presentation about yourself that you can give quickly, then you get to know someone and exchange contacts. Although you should not be seen rushing from one person to another, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have spoken to as many people as possible and given them your presentation.

 Also aim to meet all the important people present at the event, the people who will be of greatest benefit to you.

 looking for a chance to speak in front of everyone. For events that have many participants and you cannot speak to everyone individually, find a place to speak in front of everyone so that you can be heard by all who participated. 

Spaces to use are when a chance is given to introduce oneself individually, ask questions, or share various things. 

When you get a chance to speak in front of everyone, start with your short presentation so that people know you and know how to benefit from you, then continue with what you want to talk about. By finding and using opportunities to speak in front of others, all event participants know about you and those who need to look for you during or after the event. When you share any event with your target customers, make sure you leave a mark that lets participants know you and how they can benefit from you. Things to do after networking events. Sharing events to build a network and reach more customers is one step. 

Another very important step is the follow-up that takes place after participating in those events. That follow-up is what determines whether event participation has been beneficial or not. 

 In order to participate in networking events and be productive, the following things should be done after participating in those events:. 1. Follow-up within 24 hours. Within 24 hours of meeting someone at a networking event, make sure you follow up with them. In that communication, mention the person by his name, introduce yourself, and tell him that you met at the event you met, and then remind him of something that connects you together from the event you participated in.

 On this first follow-up, don't try to sell anything; this is to make sure you continue to be remembered because people have met many, so it becomes easy to forget. 

 2. To get more information about those who have been reached. the people you have met at networking events you have little information about. So you should find more information about them to see the best way to continue cooperating with them and selling to them. 

You will start by looking for their information online, following them on social networks, and other ways to get to know them better. As you get more information, you will find yourself sifting through people and seeing where they will be the best fit for you and where they won't be the best fit for you to begin with.

 3. Request an appointment to contact or meet. Once you have gained more information about the people you met through networking events, the next step is to request a contact appointment or meet with them.

 This is where you start your sales process by presenting what you have and how it can benefit them. This is a very important step in tracking the people you have met at various events. 

 4. Bringing them into the sales process. After you meet people and follow up with them, you bring them into the sales process based on what you sell and the needs they have. You will present to them what you have, its value, and the benefits they are going to get. 

You will answer the various objections they have and convince them to agree to buy what you are selling. By following your process step by step, you will be able to convert many of them into full customers. 

 5. Have continuous monitoring. All the people you have known through networking events should continue to follow them without stopping. 

Even if they don't become your customers, you should build, grow, and protect your network.

 They may not be customers, but they know people who are customers. Your responsibility is to have a large network of people who know you so that you can sell to more people. 

Keep following up with them, meet them, and continue to participate in networking events where you will continue to meet them.

 Networking events are a great place that every marketer can use to reach more customers and generate potential customers.

 Choose events that have people with the characteristics of the customers you are targeting; when you participate, make sure you know people and they know you; and after participating, have a follow-up that will strengthen the network you have built and make more customers.